Polish Primary School Renaming Sat 2nd September 23

There was a General representing the Polish Army and some Military attaches also, one Polish Navy, their in the pictures.

Hal had the Generals Great Great daughter(His) along too and he said to me, whilst trying to hold his laughter in that he explained to the Polish Military Officers the difference between a Glasgow 😃 and a Glasgow Kiss. 

Hal sang the praises of our Branch

(Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch, The Parachute Regimental Association) for attending with our Standards, am the one holding our Scottish Flag, Martin O'Hear our Chairman holding the Branch Standard in the centre and Gordon Bonar holds the Union Flag.  A Branch member by the name of Andy Nidbet also supported this event.

The Headteacher also thanked us as did all the Staff, we couldn't have been more welcome.

Paratroopers from IV Para who have a recruiting centre in Houldsworth Street, Glasgow were also in attendance, could you please mention this unit if you don't mind.

VJ Day 19th August 2023

Wee selection of photos from our VJ day commemorative event held Saturday 19th August in knightswood, Glasgow.

Thanks to Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch, The Parachute Regimental Association who once again hosted a fantastic occasion and all the Veterans, Families and Friends, including our Lord Provost and 2 Bands for supporting the day. We even had a lovely couple from Canada join us.

Lastly Big Thanks to Denise and John, including their staff from the Lincoln Inn for the lovely spread provided, their hospitality is second to none.

Lest We Forget.

Airborne Forces Day

Date - Saturday, 26th August 2023

Time - 10:00 till 17:00

Location - Dumfries and Galloway Aviation Museum

Heathhall industrial Estate




Event Overview - We host an annual day for the veterans and current members of the Airborne Brotherhood. The aims of the day is to welcome both the veterans and their families to our site, provide them with a lunch and a drink and allow them to enjoy the collection and the additional displays that we put on for the day. Entry is free for those who are veterans or currently serving.

10:00 - open

11:00 - We always hold a small service of remembrance for those who have passed and in particular remember those who fell at Warrenpoint.

12:30 - Food and Drink ( the drink lasts as long as the drink lasts, the more veterans ….. the quicker it runs out)

Throughout - We expect to be joined by 4 Para and Airborne Assault and our own volunteers will perform weaponry cleaning and handling as well as giving the public the opportunity to handle/wear items of kit (JIM KILBRIDE does an excellent talk re jump kit for which he picks on the public).

We have run the event for a number of years now and each year the number of veterans and visitors increase, the number of display items increases and the number of other organisations that support us increases. We want to continue this increase each year and provide a day that allows guys to come together into a welcoming environment where they can meet comrades, enjoy their company and share their experiences with both their friends and their families.

Increased support from the PRAs in respect of attendance would be greatly appreciated and we would love to welcome you on site.


There will be a parade through Dumbarton town centre, followed by a church service and refreshments in the new council offices on Church Street.

Veterans and Association members should wear blazer and tie or equivalent.  Medals and veteran badges should be worn as per Remembrance Sunday.

Veterans and Associations 

The Parade will form up in the car park adjacent to Dumbarton Health Centre, Station Road, Dumbarton G82 1PW.


Contingents are encouraged to carry their standards on parade. Col Steele and Mr J Easton will brief standard bearers in the council offices at 12:45 

Church Service

Following the parade there will be a short church service which will be held in the council office on Church Street.


Following the church service West Dunbartonshire Council are kindly providing refreshments in the Council Offices.

Timings are as follows.   (All timings are for 01 July 2023)


a.    12:45hrs      Standard bearers to council office, Church Street, for briefing.


b.   13:00hrs      Parade form up on car park Station Rd Dumbarton.


c.     13:15hrs      Col Steele will brief contingent commanders at the Health Centre.


d.    13:30hrs      Parade steps off.


e.   14:00hrs       Church Service.


         f.     14:45hrs      Refreshments in council office.


 Any Qs please contact Martin O’Hear




King's Coronation & VE Parade May 2023

Big THANKS to all who took part in our Kings Coronation and VE parade on Saturday 6th May 2023 at the Vets Monument in Knightswood, Glasgow.

Padre George Hunter conducted a lovely service and it was also great to have the Balaclava Pipand Drums, and Coalburn Brass Family Band join us too.

Iceing on the cake was the spectacle provided by the Charity Haven at Vanguard, Horses Helping Heroes with their 3 ponies, 

Rosie, Rainbow and Ginger.

Thanks Vicky and Andy, including your wee Princess for the hard work you all put in controlling them

Lest We Forget

You can view the full gallery of images by clicking here.

Culloden Moor

On Saturday 15th April a few of our members visited Culloden Moor to commemorate the Battle in 1745 between the Jacobites and English Troops.

Our ex Chairman Frank Camerons clan was on Charlie's side along with others, including French and Irish units.

It was also a sentimental trip for member Ricky Nugent and family as they visited Fort George, where Ricky served in the 60's as a young Cameronian.

All in all it was a great weekend with good friends and loads of laughs, which you always get if in the company of these folk.

Mark Wright Memorial Bench

ASA Forces Charity have arranged a Remembrance event at Prestonfield Primary School, Edinburgh, EH16 5LJ

To present our Mark Wright ( 3 Para) GC Memorial Bench to his old primary school.

So that every child passing through the school is taught Mark's life story, his courage, bravery and sacrifice.

Date: 10th November 2022

Starts: 1:30pm

Ends: 2:30pm

His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant/Provost Cllr Robert Aldridge will unveil the Bench. We wondered if the Parachute Regiment would like to attend this event?

We would also welcome support from the Parachute Regiment now and in the future. So if you live near this location or even further afield we would really appreciate you joining us for this special occassion.

Pte John Lamont H.L.I

Members may recall we took a trip to Normandy a few years back and in our company was Pte John Lamont, H.L.I. and his Comrade in Arms and we watched them both go down to the Beach they landed on.

Sadly John passed away recently, and that's them both now gone, Lest We Forget.

The arrangements for John Lamont's funeral are as follows:

Tuesday 1st November 2022
Woodside Crematorium, Paisley.
14:30 Hours

The family have intimated that they would like a military presence at John's funeral. Accordingly standards are welcome, and our regimental pipers/Bugler have been requested. All on this list are welcome, and the family have expended an invitation to raise a dram to John's memory at the Royal British Legion Club in Renfrew after the funeral ceremony.

Royal British Legion Grant Scheme

The Royal British Legion, the UK's largest charity dedicated to supporting the Armed Forces community, has today launched a new grant scheme for veterans and their families who are struggling to pay their energy bills. The initiative will provide non-repayable emergency grants of up to £2,400 a year (£200 a month), and is available across the UK.

It's estimated there are 2 million UK armed forces veterans, according to the latest figures from the Ministry of Defence, though the Royal British Legion hasn't said how many might be able to benefit from the new grants. When we asked about the total funding available, the charity told us there was no set cut-off and that it wants to help as many members of the Armed Forces community as it can.

For further support with your energy bills – including if you're not part of the Armed Forces community – see our full Energy bill help guide.

Who can apply for the Royal British Legion grants

In general, the Armed Forces community includes those who have served, or are serving, in the Royal Navy, British Army or Royal Air Force, as well as their families, dependants and carers – which can include children, current and former spouses and partners, widows and widowers.

However, the Royal British Legion uses a broad definition of "Armed Forces community" – so even if you're not sure you fit in one of the categories above, it's worth checking your eligibility on its website or by calling its helpline on 0808 802 8080.

The grants are means-tested – but you DON'T have to be on state benefits

If you're currently getting any means-tested state benefits, such as universal credit, pension credit or income support, you should qualify automatically. 

But you could still be eligible for a grant even if you don't get any benefits – the Royal British Legion will check your income and expenditure to assess your needs. The charity told us that it encourages anyone struggling financially to apply, as it has flexibility to consider support for people who don't meet the means-testing.

Apply for a grant online or call the Royal British Legion on 0808 802 8080.

You can get up to £200 a month for up to a year, depending on your circumstances

If your application is successful, you'll get up to £200 a month for up to 12 months – the exact amount and duration will vary depending on your circumstances. You won't have to reapply every month, just once.

In most cases, you won't be paid in cash. Instead, you'll get one or more of the following depending on your situation:

  • Vouchers to top-up your gas or electricity prepayment meter.

  • A virtual credit card you can use to pay utility bills (the card would be restricted to this use).

  • Vouchers for food, clothing or household items.

  • Replacement white goods.

Why the Royal British Legion has launched these grants

The charity said it's taking action after seeing a 20% rise in requests for support with urgent needs, such as food and household costs, over the past 12 months. It expects this to continue to increase over the winter months.

Some members of the Armed Forces community are more vulnerable to rising costs than others, according to the Royal British Legion, with its research previously finding that working-age veterans were more likely to be sick or disabled than other UK adults of the same age.