Veterans Dinner

(Scotland Branch)





Dear Fellow Falklands Veterans.


We are now approaching the 34th Anniversary of the end of the Falklands War in the South Atlantic in 1982 and as such, we as Veterans of that conflict will commemorate it with a re-union as per our Members wishes with a Dinner, which will take place at the Douglas Hotel, Aberdeen, on the 11th June 2016.



On the subject of Re-unions, it is fully understood by all the membership, that most Ships, Regiments, Units and RAF Squadrons do have an annual re-union of some description or another, as a form of ‘get together’. So it is quite right, that you should attend your own re-union before all others without re-course to anyone else.

We in SAMA82 Scotland, hope that by having our dinner on the date nearest to the Argentine Surrender, -13th June 1982 - that we can give those veterans who escape the net of their own units, by having a re-union they may attend with like minded individuals.

Make no mistake about our intentions, as well as the dinner, - which we all enjoy - we do devote a period of time during the evening for reflection and the memory of those who unfortunately gave that greatest sacrifice and didn’t return home. All Service protocols being observed during this period.

Therefore, I appeal to those members who have no individual Unit re-unions, or are unable to attend them because of distance, to consider attending our Annual Re-union each year. Personally, I don’t think you’d regret it. You can attend as an individual; or with your Wife or Partner and any relatives and friends, you wish to invite. The key factor, is a to have a super convivial evening of like minded people, to remember the days we spent in the South Atlantic and in memory of those who didn’t return.


I hope this meets all your expectations, if so, please give it careful consideration and may I also state, that if you are a holder of the South Atlantic Medal – with or without the Rosette – and are not a member of SAMA82 you are still welcome to attend the Dinner. That is what it is all about!

For those members who regularly attend, thank you for your continued support and remember, invite a friend or relative and let them know what we are all about.


Please find attached the details of the Annual dinner, together with the application form, which should be submitted to the Secretary, together with your remittance for all tickets.


As a Member you are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Scotland Branch, which will take place in the Douglas Hotel at 1500hrs on Saturday 11th June 2016. Any points for the Agenda should be submitted to the Secretary no later than the 3rd June 2016. (see address below)


I look forward to welcoming you all to the dinner in June.



Les Braby

Chairman SAMA82 (Scotland)


Secretary: Iain McRobbie, 6 Milbank Road, Kinbuck, DUNBLANE FK15 0NJ.

Hon Treasurer: A. McRobbie. (address as above)



NOTE: Any viewers please note you can't download the application form for the dinner so please contact the hotel directly on 01224 582255