Dear Sirs, Ma’ams, All,
Issue: Raising awareness about support with civilian housing options. Planning for civilian housing cannot be left until resettlement. Housing Options Scotland (HOS) can help with complicated housing situations. This communication is for the attention of Serving Personnel, Families and Veterans who will/or have settled in Scotland.
‘If you need help with your housing issues in Scotland you can contact Housing Options Scotland (HOS). We offer free, confidential and expert housing advice and information. Thanks to funding from the Veterans Foundation HOS can offer its service to all members of the Armed Forces Community in Scotland through its Military Matters Project. HOS can help with advice on social and private renting, homelessness, adaptations, shared ownership and home ownership.
The easiest way to contact HOS is via the Get Help Form on their website here. Alternatively phone 0131 247 1400. Leave a message and one of the team will call you back. Let Housing Options Scotland help you find “The Right House, in the Right Place”
Timing: Routine
Background: 51X and Army HQ Scotland have been working with the charity Housing Options Scotland (HOS) for the past 7 years. They have supported many of our people. They are experts in civilian housing options in Scotland. The laws regarding house purchasing, private renting, social housing and charity supported options are different in Scotland than the Rest of UK (RoUK). Anyone in the Armed Forces community can ask for their assistance. We would appreciate it if you add the blurb above to any newsletters or other types of correspondence you have with Serving Personnel, Veterans and Service Families.