Scottish Poppy Appeal

Once again members of the Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch P.R.A. supported the annual Scottish Poppy Appeal and what an excellent job they did.  Though slightly lower than last years total we are sure all will agree that raising a sum of money like this over a 2 week period is fantastic.


A special mention to Robert Cowan and his gang who covered MORRISON'S superstore and broke ALL records. WELL DONE YOU GUYS


Over the past 6/7 years we have raised over 200k for this worthy cause.


The bonus is the members get the chance to promote the Branch and The Parachute Regimental Association in all the good that can be achieved working hand in hand with corporate sponsors.  Long may it continue!!

David McIlroy Funeral

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.


The funeral of 23805697 WO2 D R M (David) McIlroy, who died on Friday 4th November 2016 aged 77 years, will take place at 12 noon on Monday 14th November 2016, at Woodside Crematorium, Paisley PA1 2NE.


David  served in 15 PARA(SV) Bn from 1963-1977 and was a member of the Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch, who will be providing a Guard of Honour.


If further information is required please contact Terry McCourt, Secretary of Glasgow & West of Scotland Branch,  by telephone to 07876 025911 or by email to


Kind Regards




One Devonshire Gardens, Glasgow

1330 Wednesday 22 June 2016



In June 1940 Sir Winston Churchill directed that the British Army should raise a parachute force and from that The Parachute Regiment was born with its distinctive maroon beret. The Regiment has gone on to gain the reputation of an elite force in the British Army.


It attracted a certain type of men, men of whom Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery was to ask “What manner of men are these who wear the maroon red beret?” and he answered his own question saying “They are firstly all volunteers . . . they have “jumped” from the air and by doing so have conquered fear . . . they have the highest standards in all things. They are, in fact, men apart - every man an Emperor.”


Denis McCormick was a member of the Parachute Regiment. Its members do not need to boast, they have already proved themselves but the instincts which take a man into the Regiment never leave him and when he is needed he will show why he is a man apart.


On the 18th of March this year, confronted by a man wielding two meat cleavers threatening children and their parents in the streets around the Art School, Denis McCormick did not hesitate but faced the danger and cornered the individual who could so easily have caused serious injury or death if Denis had not stepped in.


Denis had already proved his courage when he qualified to wear the coveted red beret and by the instinctive courage of his action on the 18th of March he emphasised that he is a man apart – in Field Marshal Montgomery’s term – an Emperor.


The men who have jumped describe their number as the airborne brotherhood and the value of that brotherhood was shown after Denis had done his deed when the Secretary of his local branch of the Parachute Regimental Association, Terry McCourt, stepped forward to support him and then kept an eye on him at work for a couple of days until the initial shock began to ebb.


Denis, as President of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Region of the Parachute Regimental Association, I am proud to present to you this badge from your colleagues in the Glasgow School of Art recognising the value of your action and the respect and regard in which you are held by everyone who knows you and works with you.

Veterans Dinner

(Scotland Branch)





Dear Fellow Falklands Veterans.


We are now approaching the 34th Anniversary of the end of the Falklands War in the South Atlantic in 1982 and as such, we as Veterans of that conflict will commemorate it with a re-union as per our Members wishes with a Dinner, which will take place at the Douglas Hotel, Aberdeen, on the 11th June 2016.



On the subject of Re-unions, it is fully understood by all the membership, that most Ships, Regiments, Units and RAF Squadrons do have an annual re-union of some description or another, as a form of ‘get together’. So it is quite right, that you should attend your own re-union before all others without re-course to anyone else.

We in SAMA82 Scotland, hope that by having our dinner on the date nearest to the Argentine Surrender, -13th June 1982 - that we can give those veterans who escape the net of their own units, by having a re-union they may attend with like minded individuals.

Make no mistake about our intentions, as well as the dinner, - which we all enjoy - we do devote a period of time during the evening for reflection and the memory of those who unfortunately gave that greatest sacrifice and didn’t return home. All Service protocols being observed during this period.

Therefore, I appeal to those members who have no individual Unit re-unions, or are unable to attend them because of distance, to consider attending our Annual Re-union each year. Personally, I don’t think you’d regret it. You can attend as an individual; or with your Wife or Partner and any relatives and friends, you wish to invite. The key factor, is a to have a super convivial evening of like minded people, to remember the days we spent in the South Atlantic and in memory of those who didn’t return.


I hope this meets all your expectations, if so, please give it careful consideration and may I also state, that if you are a holder of the South Atlantic Medal – with or without the Rosette – and are not a member of SAMA82 you are still welcome to attend the Dinner. That is what it is all about!

For those members who regularly attend, thank you for your continued support and remember, invite a friend or relative and let them know what we are all about.


Please find attached the details of the Annual dinner, together with the application form, which should be submitted to the Secretary, together with your remittance for all tickets.


As a Member you are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Scotland Branch, which will take place in the Douglas Hotel at 1500hrs on Saturday 11th June 2016. Any points for the Agenda should be submitted to the Secretary no later than the 3rd June 2016. (see address below)


I look forward to welcoming you all to the dinner in June.



Les Braby

Chairman SAMA82 (Scotland)


Secretary: Iain McRobbie, 6 Milbank Road, Kinbuck, DUNBLANE FK15 0NJ.

Hon Treasurer: A. McRobbie. (address as above)



NOTE: Any viewers please note you can't download the application form for the dinner so please contact the hotel directly on 01224 582255




Today, Alasdair Hutton, a member of The Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch was elected as the Scotland and Northern Ireland Region Honorary President. Also, the Branch Chairman of The Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch, Peter Morrison, was elected as the new Scottish and Northern Ireland Region - Regional Secretary. His deputy is Mr Peter Flynn of the Lothian Branch. 


Congratulations to everyone, and thanks for all those who attended. 


Dear ALL


Sure you will agree a fantastic effort from the branch members once again over a 2 week period not forgetting the efforts made by other VETS associations here in Glasgow listed below.


Royal Artillery Association

Royal Engineers Association

Royal Marines Association

Royal Signals Association


(To name but a few)


PEOPLE (Vets!!) help make Glasgow



The Colonel Commandant and President of the PRA feels strongly that we are a national Regiment and the PRA is a national organisation.  The Regional Management Committee structure, which was agreed to at the Extraordinary Executive Committee meeting held at the NMA on Sat 28 Feb 15, was created to give all regions more say in how their affairs are run under the constitution of the PRA and the National Executive.  This structure was reiterated to the PRA Branches in Scotland by the National Chairman and his Secretary on Tue 14 Feb 15 at Dunfermline City Chambers. It was also highlighted that name of the Northern Region could easily be changed to PRA Scotland, if required, to further enhance the integrity of the region.  At the National Executive meeting in Colchester a sum of £2000 pounds was granted to Scotland to run their own Airborne Forces Day. The Regiment provided a 4 PARA Colour Party and a Platoon strong Colour Guard to be in attendance.  Other Regimental support to Scottish events was discussed and work by RHQ is ongoing.

At the National Executive Meeting Sat 18 Apr 15 the Committee discussed in detail the proposal from some Scottish branches that elements of Northern Region be permitted to form a separate Scottish Executive Committee with full executive powers, under a new constitution and with less stringent  membership requirements. The proposal also wished to dissolve branch charitable status, create a new central charity whilst retaining affiliation to the National PRA.

The Executive Committee could not accept these changes to the Regional Structure and voted against the proposal by 8 votes to 2.  The Executive Committee could not accept an affiliated organisation, using the PRA name, under a different constitution. They felt this would fracture the national organisation and dilute its membership.  The Executive Committee is duty bound to ensure PRA Northern Region continues to provide an open door, to allow all branches and Scottish members, to remain part of the PRA.


B A Radbourne

Regt Lt Col

National PRA Chairman

The Tattoo Fox

The books are suitable for 7 year  olds.

The Tattoo Fox
Author: Alasdair Hutton
Published by Luath Press 2013
ISBN: 978-1-908373-93-9
The Tattoo Fox Makes New Friends
Author: Alasdair Hutton
Published by Luath Press 2014
ISBN: 978-1-910021-47-7

Available from Waterstones, the Tattoo Shop, 32 Market Street, Edinburgh, some local bookshops and on Amazon.