"Digging In" project last week in Pollok Park and all the photos of those that took part thanking especially Bill Degnan, Bill O'Neill, Ralph Murphy and a friend of the Veterans from here in Knightswood Mr. Gary Clayton.

Well done lads your a credit to the Branch and this deer Green place of ours -GLASGOW!! 







Help requested!!

The project team ask if any of our Branch members would HELP fill sandbags next Monday and Tuesday 19/20 February between 10am and 3pm.  1 hour even would be great.

Reason as you can see in the pictures is the damage caused by the recent bad weather.

They hope to repair the site for their 1st open day on 25th Feb.

If you can manage please contact Branch Secretary on 07876025911 for more details.  Please note numbers need to be passed onto the project team for safety purposes.

3 already have signed up.


Children's Charity Update

On Wednesday 24th JANUARY 2018 branch loyal member Mr. Colin O'Donnell presented the Children's Charity representative JULIA with an additional £100 to add to the sum already given recently.

A BIG Thanks to Denis Mc Cormick our head of fundraising who gave it to Colin to do the honours.  This money was a birthday present to Denis from a dear friend.

A thanks to Colin for taking the time out from his job in the hospital to represent the members on this occassion.



Poppy Scotland 2017

Once again well done to all that made an effort for the Poppy Scotland 2017 appeal in Glasgow Central Station - Frank Cameron, Denis Mc Cormick, Andy Nisbett, Robert Finnie, Bill Degnan, Gordon Bonar, Davie Panayotou and Bill O'Neil to name but a few.

A special thanks to Robert Cowan, Pat Reid and Bob Esplin for managing the MORRISONS collection on behalf of the Branch.



Glasgow Children's Hospital Dance & Denis' 70th

On Saturday 16th December the branch hosted a fundraiser for Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity combined with a Xmas dance and Mr Denis Mc Cormicks 70th Birthday celebrations.

The night was well supported and a special thanks to Denis and Peter Keenan for advertising the event which many of their friends attended.

In total all raised £1716.75 for the Neurology Ward at the Hospital so a BIG thank you for participating for a very worthy cause.

You can view the images here.

Sunday 5th November Meeting - CANCELLED

Dear All

Due to the following commitments the Trustees have came to the decision it is in the best interest of the Branch members that we cancel the Branch meeting set for Sunday 5th November 2017:


1.  2017 Poppy Appeal from 28th October till 8th November

2.  Branch Chairman Peter Morrison's 60th Birthday party in Wood St on Saturday 4th November commencing at 7:30pm which you are ALL, including wives etc invited to attend (dress smart casual - raising funds for Cancer Charity))

3. 2 Armistice parades in Glasgow Central Station on Saturday 11th November and George Square the following day - again members are all welcome to attend.  (If you require details of these 2 events do get in touch with me on 07876025911)

Therefore the next Branch meeting will be on Sunday 10th December - A.G.M. - commencing at 12:30pm for the Trustees and !:30pm for the Branch Members ONLY!! (Including invited guests from the Lothian Branch)


*Whitevale Bowling Club - 235 Whitehill Street - Dennistoun - G31 2EH.

The Club opens at 11-30am / Dress Collar and Tie

Appreciate if you could all pass this info onto others.




Having been given a SSAFA 2016 Ride to the Somme cycling top by our Chairman Peter Morrison I researched the story behind it.


The findings left me in awe and on that note David Coyle my supervisor in the Glasgow School of Art joined me in signing up for this year's event. ( We had to pay £100 each for the privilege )


I will let the pictures tell the story but have to say a big thanks to all my sponsors ie: Mrs Catherine O' Neil the Glasgow Central Station Support Assistant for giving permission to set up a static bike in the station twice to help raise a pledge you had to sign up to of raising £1400.  Over £2000 was raised not counting donations from the Branch and Members including family and friends.


Mark Green -  Virgin Rail Manager Glasgow Central Station for providing both us with 2 free first class tickets to London and back.


Colonel David Steele MBE ( our Vice President) and his wife Sarah for their hospitality on our journey to the Imperial War Museum having gained both of us permission to live in Her Majesties The Queen Elizabeths Windsor Castle Horse Stables accomadation and on the way back Wellington Barracks the Guards Barracks.  What a privilege!!


Colonel Bob Steele and his wife Dr Joyce for all their time and effort keeping us focused on the task ahead .


Last but not least thanks to the Chairman, Trustees and Members of the Branch, including all those that sponsored us for their loyal support.


We put in the miles but all of you gave us the fuel to complete the task.  For that we thank you from the bottom of our Hearts as we were part of a very humbling experience.


God Bless

You can view the photos here.

Clay Pigeon Shooting

Thanks to the members, family and friends for supporting our annual shoot raising much needed funds for  the Highland Light Infantry Association here in Glasgow. 

We had reps from Milnbank Housing Association join us too and they had a great time, as did all in attendance.

Believe it or not Denis Mc Cormicks grandson CALLUM- aged 12 years came top YOUNG gun and actually won the main trophy  outright.  What an achievement for a lad his age!!

Thanks to George  and Irene Boothby for donating the Medals for the team winners and runners up, top Female and Young Gun.  Both OUR kind of PEOPLE!

Lastly thanks to our Chairman - Peter Morrison for the use of 1282 Social club free of charge.  The  curry scoff that was served by excellant staff is second to none - thanks LORNA.

Have a look at the photos from the day here. 


1.  Note can collection for the branch dated 24th June on your cards now cancelled and will take place Tuesday 4th July 8am onwards

2.  Volunteers required can collection Central Station for the RHF appeal Saturday 1st July 8am onwards

3.  Armed Forces Day Glasgow - Saturday 24th June 17.  There is no parade but the Branch members have been invited to a reception in the City Chambers at 12.30.

Ticket event so if you wish to attend contact the Branch Secretary before 11th June.  Dress as per parade fashion and please meet outside the Chambers at 12.15.  Bring your wife if you wish.

SSAFA Branch Secretary

SSAFA Glasgow Branch Secretary Linda Liddell and head of Fundraising Una Smith visited the branch at our meeting 4th June and kindly presented the members who have in the past and no doubt the future support them at their can collection in Glasgow with a very special SSAFA lapel badge.

A very humbling experience being recognised by the U.K's oldest Military charity.  Keep up the good work blokes and if you can help them at a collection in Glasgow Central - Saturday 22nd July 2017 from 8pm onwards


70th Event - raising of 15 PARA

On a glorious Saturday afternoon the AIRBORNE went on parade through the streets of Glasgow to George Square led by the Parachute Regiment Band.

What a spectacle for the non believers and it was great to join forces with old comrades and mingle with the present day WARRIOR'S

Thanks to every one especially those that formed up with number 2 guard led by the Scotland and N.I. - P.R.A. national Secretary Peter Morrison.  Thanks also to the Standard Bearers for a grande job especially those who travelled from N.I.- Bedworth and Coventry plus our President Bob Steele for keeping the wheels ON track.

Last but not least thanks to RHQ- P.R.A. Trustees who helped fund our Pearson Knees Up event which helped raise money for Support our Para's.

A special mention to Ray Raison the National P.R.A. Secretary and John Carey the Midland Regional secretary for all their help and advice.

As the BOSS said - We are all in this TOGETHER

Check out the images here.


A great day was had by all who took part in the fun run to raise funds for SSAFA - GLASGOW BRANCH.


A lot of hard work went into the organisation of this event and on that note a Big thank you to Mr John Henderson for all his efforts to make this happen.


SSAFA - GLASGOW BRANCH sincerely thank the members who acted as Marshall's once again for their commitment to this worthy cause.  Well done lads!!  Special thanks to Jim Bishop for the photographs they are excellent.


Take note members who helped out that SSAFA GLASGOW BRANCH have a wee surprise in store for each of you at our June meeting so please make the effort to attend as they will be in our presence.



Check out the images in our gallery here.

Announcement - Job Interviews with Control Risk Group for Close Protection course students

Horizon are pleased to announce, that Control Risks will interview certain individuals meeting their clients’ minimum requirements for successful Close protection students meeting an above average grade at the end of the Horizon CP course. These candidates will be put onto a standby list or into employment should positions become available.

CP Level 3, FPOS I Level 4 and MIRA with the option of a 12-month interest free payment plan if required.

Future course dates:
Close Protection Level 3 - 6th to 21st March 2017
First Person On the Scene (FPOS I) Level  4 - 22nd to 26th March 2017
First Response Emergency Care (FREC) Level 3 - 22nd to 26th March 2017
Medicine In Remote Areas (MIRA) - 27th to 30th March 2017

Horizon also offers courses in a variety of other areas; please see our websitewww.horizon.uk.com forfull course listings.

Course Costs: 
CP only £1800*
CP & FPOS I £2000*
CP, FPOS I and MIRA £2500*

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Horizon is proud to be an approved Training Provider under the Ministry of Defense’s Enhanced Learning Credits Administration Service (ELCAS).  Our provider number is 5805.

Contact us
For further information please call 0800 689 1199 or email: training@horizon.uk.com