VE Parade 2019

Annual Victory in Europe parade in Knightswood - Glagow hosted by Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch P.R.A.

Thanks to Colonel Bob Steele our President for all his guidance and work he does behind the scenes that no one who ain't in the loop is aware of. Thanks also to Rev Sandy Fraser of Knightswood ST Margarets Church for conducting a lovely service in the Church and at the VETS Monument. Thanks also to COALBURN Silver Band who were excellent, Andy Reid our Piper and Joanne Buchanan our resident Bugler, including the Managent and Staff of the Lincoln Inn who feed and watered the VETS to their hearts content. Not forgetting Peter and Gordon with their Military vehicles and the dignatories led by the Deputy Lord Provost Philip Bratt and Captain Mark Bennie and the 4 PARA contingent flying the flag.

Last but not least a BIG THANKS to our Parade Marshall Big Frank and George Sharp i/C of the Standard Bearers and the blokes who once again willingly volunteered to act as Stewards

Heartfelt thanks though to ALL those Veterans, Families and friends who turned up to make it a day to remember - God Bless you ALL!