Friday 21st June - 18 members of the Branch headed South to attend the P.R.A. - A.G.M in TAMWORTH at the National Memorial Arboretum on Saturday 22nd travelling home on Sunday 23rd.

The pictures paint a thousand words so we will just let all know the Branch donated £1000 to Support Our Paras and £1000 to the Airborne Forces Security Fund.

Thanks to the BOSS, Major Ski and 2 PARA Provo Sgt for getting in on the act, including Big Carrie who had the honour of having the P.F.A. Standard dedicated at the service and brought into the fold of the P.R.A.

Lastly a BIG THANKS to our members for making the effort all agreed it was a great weekend in good company. Here's to next year.

Ps. Armed Forces Day in Glasgow Saturday 29th June (Next Saturday) so please come out to parade with the Branch meeting at Pitt Street 10.30am marching off 11am. Spread the word please.