We held the first meeting of the little steering group called to make the arrangements to mark the forty fifth anniversary of Exercise Bold Guard yesterday afternoon.
In essence, the anniversary will be marked on 07 September 2019 to help deconflict that and the ceremonies to mark the 75th anniversary of Arnhem.
There will be a service at Glasgow Cathedral, the time will be determined shortly with the Cathedral administrators but we are aiming for 1100. The CO on Ex Bold Guard, Lt Col Jim Burke, has agreed to come and to make the address
We decided not to have a march down to the city but move from the Cathedral to Barony Hall, which is reasonably close to the Cathedral, for a reception which should end by 1500. Barony Hall has yet to be booked but is much the most suitable nearby location.
Invitations will be extended to the Colonel Commandant, Lt General Sir John Lorimer, who has indicated his willingness to come, to General Sir Mike Jackson, who was Training Major on the Exercise and to various others associated with the Battalion, members of the families of those who died and their colleagues, and the great and the good in Glasgow. All help in locating the families and colleagues will be gratefully received. We did make specific reference to being sure that Pte Beach’s relatives and colleagues were informed.
We plan to hold meetings every month from now on to make sure that all the details have been thought out and I will keep you up to date as the arrangements proceed. Your help in identifying the numbers planning to attend will be a great help.
Alasdair Hutton
President, PRA Scotland and Northern Ireland.
NOTE: Any interested or can help with locating family and friends etc to contact Alasdair direct:
Home: 01573 224369
Mobile: 07753 625734
Email: alasdairhutton@yahoo.co.uk