Some of the members have already signed up for the Kiltwalk this year. If you’re interested in taking part check out the details attached.
All Members are hereby invited to attend above commencing at:
1.30pm on Sunday 8th December 2019.
Branch Collection at Central Station - 18th October 2019
Latest Glasgow and West of Scotland P.R.A. Branch collection in Glasgow Central Station Friday 18th October with staunch volunteers Pat Reid, Frank Cameron, Bill Degnan and Jim Urquhart from the H.L.I. Association Glasgow.
A magnificent £1112.74 raised so once again thanks you YOUNG blokes for the loyalty to your Branch and a big thanks to Mrs Catherine O'Neil and Network Rail Staff Glasgow for all their continued support to the VETERANS community in particular.
In the picture we are joined by 2 young ladies by the names of Evie and Laura, from the SHETLANDS.
Brig Pearson bench
A very BIG Thank You to Mr. DANNY MAC CRAE, branch Honourary member who took it upon himself whilst visiting CAEN recently to have the bench that's dedicated to Brig Pearson saved from ruin as it was noted by some to be in some sort of disrepair.
Well it looks great now, thanks to Danny and those that made it happen.
Every Man an Emperor!
A&SH Museum Trust Donation
Our OWN Uncle Frank T Cameron (78 years old) in his capacity as Vice Chairman presenting a cheque for 1k from the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch P.R.A. to the CEO of the A and SH Museum Trust, Mr. Richard Hickson - Ex 4 RTR at the pit stop in Clydebank that both Colonels David and Bobby Steele had reached on their way following the same route as the Kilt Walk from Glasow Green to Balloch on Wednesday 7th August. Both identical twins. David M.B.E. slightly older though by 4 minutes - 73 years young. Big thanks to Agnes (Una) Smith B.E.M. who is in the pic for supplying scoff and to Dr Joyce Steele too for doing like wise
Clay Pigeon Shoot - Saturday 10th August 2019
On Saturday 10th August 48 members, family and friends of the Branch took part in a Clay Pigeon Shoot at the National Shooting Centre at Slammanan near Falkirk to raise funds for the Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity.
Thanks to all that took part and a special thanks to the Neil, Staff and Coaches at the centre for the warm welcome. A very enjoyable occassion and report £320 will be donated to the Hospital very soon, watch this space. Last but not lest well done Mr Chris Mc Innes from Anniesland who came out Top Gun and to Brian our Bus driver from Swift Coaches who got the whole crew there and back in a safe manner. Your a credit to your company.

Alasdair Hutton - Important Information
I have been made aware that fraudsters have gained access to my Messenger address book and that some of the members have been targeted with one or more scams. Sometimes it is an invitation from me to join Messenger or in others it is a potential financial fraud involving an agency with the initials CDFA which they claim I have used and endorsed.
Please ask your members to ignore any invitations from me to join Messenger. These invitations simply connect your address book to the fraudsters. If anyone receives an invitation from CDFA to apply for a grant delete it at once. I have not used it nor received any money from it. This is old scam misusing an agency in America. The scam started in 2016 and at the time the agency said,
"If you have been contacted by someone claiming to be from CDFA or another government agency, be advised that this is a scam. The criminals may also use the identities of one of your friends to trick you into thinking they've received money and you can too. Some potential victims are targeted through Facebook Instant Messenger; others received text messages or phone calls.CDFA, a quasi-state agency which operates only within the State of New Hampshire, does not make financial awards to individuals anywhere in the country. Nor would we ask you to send us money for any reason."
Please make sure anyone with whom I have been in touch on Messenger, maybe about the 15 Para book, is aware that they might get or have already got one of these malicious approaches.
Many thanks
Armed Forces Day Glasgow 2019
Great turnout at this event from the members, long may it continue.
Even our Lord Provost got in on the act along with our very own Branch President Colonel Bob Steele.
Great day had by all.
Friday 21st June - 18 members of the Branch headed South to attend the P.R.A. - A.G.M in TAMWORTH at the National Memorial Arboretum on Saturday 22nd travelling home on Sunday 23rd.
The pictures paint a thousand words so we will just let all know the Branch donated £1000 to Support Our Paras and £1000 to the Airborne Forces Security Fund.
Thanks to the BOSS, Major Ski and 2 PARA Provo Sgt for getting in on the act, including Big Carrie who had the honour of having the P.F.A. Standard dedicated at the service and brought into the fold of the P.R.A.
Lastly a BIG THANKS to our members for making the effort all agreed it was a great weekend in good company. Here's to next year.
Ps. Armed Forces Day in Glasgow Saturday 29th June (Next Saturday) so please come out to parade with the Branch meeting at Pitt Street 10.30am marching off 11am. Spread the word please.

VE Parade 2019
Annual Victory in Europe parade in Knightswood - Glagow hosted by Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch P.R.A.
Thanks to Colonel Bob Steele our President for all his guidance and work he does behind the scenes that no one who ain't in the loop is aware of. Thanks also to Rev Sandy Fraser of Knightswood ST Margarets Church for conducting a lovely service in the Church and at the VETS Monument. Thanks also to COALBURN Silver Band who were excellent, Andy Reid our Piper and Joanne Buchanan our resident Bugler, including the Managent and Staff of the Lincoln Inn who feed and watered the VETS to their hearts content. Not forgetting Peter and Gordon with their Military vehicles and the dignatories led by the Deputy Lord Provost Philip Bratt and Captain Mark Bennie and the 4 PARA contingent flying the flag.
Last but not least a BIG THANKS to our Parade Marshall Big Frank and George Sharp i/C of the Standard Bearers and the blokes who once again willingly volunteered to act as Stewards
Heartfelt thanks though to ALL those Veterans, Families and friends who turned up to make it a day to remember - God Bless you ALL!

Kiltwalk 2019 for SSAFA
Branch Members went on the march to raise funds for SSAFA - FORCES HELP - GLASGOW BRANCH. We raised over £2K between us so well done Bill McGregor, Hugh Burns, Rab Hawkins, Dunky Connell & Terry McCourt aka TEAM SSAFA.

Stagging On
Uncle Frank stagging on for SSAFA - GLASGOW Central Station. As you can see he hasn't lost his charm - whit?
The following members helped Uncle Frank raise £1700 for SSAFA - Glasgow Branch in the station: Denis Mc Cormick, Bob Esplin, Rob Hawkins, Gordon Bonner, Bill O 'Neil and Terry Mc Court. Well done lads, you’re a credit to the branch.
An email I recieved
Read story below please:
Good afternoon Terry,
I hope you're well. My name is Linzi Murdoch and I am a Care Assistant in a residential care home just outside Glasgow ( Barrhead).
I am reaching out to you as we have an 81 year old gentleman, Tom ( Farquhar), who served in The Parachute Regiment and his service with the Armed Forces is very important to him.
Although Tom has a diagnosis of Dementia he is Charming, Witty and Fiercely proud of his service. The Parachute Regiment continues to be a huge part of his identity and he would be absolutely delighted to meet and share his stories with someone from your organisation.
Would it be at all possible that someone in your organisation may like to pay him a visit to share a cuppa and a chat , it would mean the world to him.
Many thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.
Linzi Murdoch
The Firs Care Home
End of Story: As you can see in the pictures we stood and delivered: "UTRINQE PARATUS"
TOM served in XV PARA and 33rd Bty - Royal Artillery as a National Serviceman. We are joined in the photos with the presence of our Uncle Frank, and John Patrick Somers who was ex Royal Engineers and Last but not least Linzi who, give her praise, took the time out to make Tom happy. Well done her as she mentioned she didn't expect reply.
The Vice Chairman (Frank Cameron) and Secretary (Terry Mc Court) met up with the CEO of reflexblue, Mr Colin Docherty, in the hope he could help have someone manage our Branch Book - keeping records as our Treasurers post has been vacant for sometime.
We are glad to report this task will in future be completed by one of his staff and the cost will be… Absolulety NOTHING!!
Colin and his workforce made both of us very welcome and Frank even got the opportunity to pose with Colin as they held a framed Glasgow Rangers FC Shirt, once worn for the first time by his Son - Greg Dochery, who is out on loan at Shrewsbury and scoring frequently for them.
Think we won a watch today, Wednesday 20th Feruary 2019.
P.R.A. - A.G.M.
Branch Members, including Standard Bearers are going to attend the P.R.A. - A.G.M. on Saturday 22nd June at the NMA near TAMWORTH.
Names required from interested branch members no later than the end of the next Branch meeting on Sunday 3rd March so we can collate numbers to book rooms and transport.
Note if you register then pull out you will be required to pay for any costs incurred on your behalf.
Come along to the next meeting to register if you wish
Depart Glasgow Buchanan Street Bus Station (Taxi Rank side) at 9am on Friday 21st and return Sunday 23rd, departing Tamworth at 10am.
Worthy Causes Donations
The Branch Members at our meeting on Sunday 10th February 2019 accepted our Trustees 4 nominations of Worthy Causes to donate to this year.
1. SSAFA - The Armed Forces Charity (GLASGOW)
2. The Airborne Forces Security Fund
3. Erskine Hospital - Scotland
4. Support Our Para's
A special thanks to ALL those members of our Branch who stag on raising much needed funds for Worthy Causes like the 4 above.
Your dedication is second to none - God Bless
Kiltwalk Appeal - April 2019
I will be doing the Kiltwalk in April 2019 to raise funds for SSAFA - The Armed Forces Charity, the oldest Military Charity in Britain.
I will be doing the Mighty Stride which involves me walking 23 miles in 1 day.
If you could support me to raise funds for this worthy cause SSAFA, it would be much appreciated.
Please sponsor me on the link below and if you could share this I would be grateful.
Thanks in advance
Terry McCourt (Branch Secretary) / 61 year old VETERAN
Central Station Collection - February 2019
The Old and Bold with a few new volunteers put in a good shift in the Station to help raise much needed funds for Worthy Causes.
A BIG Thanks to Pat Reid, Frank Cameron, Robert Cowan, Bob Esplin, Bill O'Neil, Sammy Moynihan, Bill Degnan, Colin O'Donnell, Robert Finnie, Sandy Inglis, Denis Mc Cormick, Bill Mc Gregor and Robert Hawkins for their time and effort in raising a fantastic sum of £1976:27.
Great amount when you consider we started at 8.30am and finished at 2pm.
A special thanks to all those who contributed to our cause which included in general the Public but joined by both sets of the Old Firm (Believe it or not) and the Scottish Rugby Supporters on their way to Murrayfield to watch the game against Italy which Scotland won. ( Bonus points too)
An even bigger thanks to Mrs Catherine O' Neil for granting us permission to collect, including her Staff who always look out for us and Mark Green - Virgin Rail Glasgow manager whose staff do the same - including providing refreshments for us all.
Long may it continue!
We held the first meeting of the little steering group called to make the arrangements to mark the forty fifth anniversary of Exercise Bold Guard yesterday afternoon.
In essence, the anniversary will be marked on 07 September 2019 to help deconflict that and the ceremonies to mark the 75th anniversary of Arnhem.
There will be a service at Glasgow Cathedral, the time will be determined shortly with the Cathedral administrators but we are aiming for 1100. The CO on Ex Bold Guard, Lt Col Jim Burke, has agreed to come and to make the address
We decided not to have a march down to the city but move from the Cathedral to Barony Hall, which is reasonably close to the Cathedral, for a reception which should end by 1500. Barony Hall has yet to be booked but is much the most suitable nearby location.
Invitations will be extended to the Colonel Commandant, Lt General Sir John Lorimer, who has indicated his willingness to come, to General Sir Mike Jackson, who was Training Major on the Exercise and to various others associated with the Battalion, members of the families of those who died and their colleagues, and the great and the good in Glasgow. All help in locating the families and colleagues will be gratefully received. We did make specific reference to being sure that Pte Beach’s relatives and colleagues were informed.
We plan to hold meetings every month from now on to make sure that all the details have been thought out and I will keep you up to date as the arrangements proceed. Your help in identifying the numbers planning to attend will be a great help.
Alasdair Hutton
President, PRA Scotland and Northern Ireland.
NOTE: Any interested or can help with locating family and friends etc to contact Alasdair direct:
Home: 01573 224369
Mobile: 07753 625734
Burns Supper
Tickets are available at a cost of £15 for a Burns Supper on Friday 1st February 2019 commencing 7 for 7.30pm.
Interested? If so contact Mr. PETER Morrison on: 07966411684 or email: