Wullie Graham Funeral - Guard of Honour - 22nd Feb 2021

Guard of Honour etc will take place at the funeral of former Paratrooper Wullie Graham, Ex 3 Para, tomorrow, Monday 22nd February. Wullie died about 2 weeks ago and his wife died 3 days after him - so sad. He was a PALESTINE Veteran. His Son, Billy Jnr served with 2 Para in the early 70's and jumped with 2 PARA at the Keil Canal.

If you can manage along wear usual dress. Clackmannan Cemetery, Devonway, Clackmannanshire FK10 4LD.

The funeral cortege will leave his home at 12 noon so suggest you get there for 11:30am latest. Pas onto like-minded people if you dont mind.

Hopefully see some of you there.

Note: The sign for the Cemetery is high on your left and you take a right turn into what looks like a housing estate. Bare LEFT for the Cemetery.

Very Important

a. Election of a Scotland and N.I. Regional Secretary to the Executive Committee of the P.R.A.

b. If anyone from our Branch would like to be nominated, please use the email on this Branch web site to inform the Branch Secretary. All interested need you to do this by no later than the 31st March.

c. Each Branch in our Region are requested to forward the name (s) to RHQ/P.R.A. no later than 02 April 21.

d. Once received each Branch will be notified of the electoral candidates and a vote will be taken.

Paul Raison I Veterans Officer I The Parachute Regimental Association I Regimental Headquarters I The Parachute Regiment / Merville Barracks / Colchester / Essex / CO2 7UT / Tel: Civ: 01206 817073 / E Mail: secretary@prahq.com

IMPORTANT: Peter Morrison Funeral

All please note the funeral service for our dear departed chairman and Airborne brother Mr. Peter Morrison will take place on Wednesday 28th October 2020, commencing at 11am at Daldowie Crematorium. All invited to attend approximatly 10.30 am and Dress as parade format. Adhere to social distancing rules and please wear a face mask as we line the route from the main entrance for the funeral cortege to pass us by. Entrance to the crematorium is for family members only, and / or invited guests. Please let others know that may be interested.

VJ Day Fundraising Tab

On Saturday 15th August 2020, VJ Day COL Bob, Uncle Frank and Terry tabbed 20 miles along the Forth and Clyde canal to the Vets Monument, taking 5 hours to  raise funds to help lay the foundation for the Lest We Forget bench kindly donated by Mr Bill Mc Donald (left in picture)  Normally cost £700, he gave free of charge and put it in place.

End of WWII.

Thanks to all who attended especially the Lord Provost Philip Bratt who unveiled a plaque to H.M.S. Glasgow.

A Big thanks to sisters Jackie and Jenny who travelled by car all the way from London to unveil their fathers, Sgt John Hannah V.C's plaque. 

Thanks to Ballie Malcolm Balfour for help in securing an Ward Area grant to cover some costs, Glasgow Parks Club and the Brothers in Arms M.C.C for their kind donations to our Worthy Causes fund solely for the upkeep of the Vets Monument and any future projects there.

Thanks also to Glasgow Central Station  Staff - Knightswood residents- Junior Soldier Iain Brand- 32 Signal Regt and last but not least The H.L.I. Association, Glasgow who all donated (and paid for) the plaques.

Lest We Forget

Photography by Jamie Williamson

END OF WWII - Saturday 22nd August 2020


Please note the Branch Committee are keen to rekindle the event we should have had in May this year ie: VE parade etc...no doubt most of you will be glad to get out and about after all this time in lock down.

Therefore take note that you are invited along to an “END OF WWII” Commemoration at the Vets Monument on Saturday 22nd August, details of which are posted on the Branch web for your perusal.  You will note in the instruction that other Vet organisations are limited to 2 overall to attend, we though invite all branch members as we after all foot the bill.  

Pass the message on please.

It’s very important that you let me know if you are going to attend for feeding purposes.

Stay Safe   

Housing Options Scotland

Dear Sirs, Ma’ams, All,

Issue: Raising awareness about support with civilian housing options. Planning for civilian housing cannot be left until resettlement. Housing Options Scotland (HOS) can help with complicated housing situations. This communication is for the attention of Serving Personnel, Families and Veterans who will/or have settled in Scotland.

‘If you need help with your housing issues in Scotland you can contact Housing Options Scotland (HOS). We offer free, confidential and expert housing advice and information. Thanks to funding from the Veterans Foundation HOS can offer its service to all members of the Armed Forces Community in Scotland through its Military Matters Project. HOS can help with advice on social and private renting, homelessness, adaptations, shared ownership and home ownership.
The easiest way to contact HOS is via the Get Help Form on their website here. Alternatively phone 0131 247 1400. Leave a message and one of the team will call you back. Let Housing Options Scotland help you find “The Right House, in the Right Place”

Timing: Routine

Background: 51X and Army HQ Scotland have been working with the charity Housing Options Scotland (HOS) for the past 7 years.  They have supported many of our people. They are experts in civilian housing options in Scotland. The laws regarding house purchasing, private renting, social housing and charity supported options are different in Scotland than the Rest of UK (RoUK).  Anyone in the Armed Forces community can ask for their assistance. We would appreciate it if you add the blurb above to any newsletters or other types of correspondence you have with Serving Personnel, Veterans and Service Families.